Sign up for the free Library ELF service to be reminded by email or text message when your library materials are coming due, or when you have holds ready to be picked up. You decide what kind of reminders you want to get and how often. The Library ELF is your servant!
Sign up with Library ELF to receive e-mail or text reminders:
- Before items are due back at the library
- For overdue items
- When you have a hold available for pick-up from the library
How does Library ELF work?
- Library ELF premium service is available to Stratford residents free of charge. Stratford Library subscribes to this service on your behalf.
- Go to www.libraryelf.org to sign up. Enter your library card number without spaces. The Stratford Library does not require the use of a PIN—leave this field blank. Note: Your library card account(s) must be current to take advantage of this service.
- You can select the frequency of notice delivery.
- Library ELF will check your library account(s) each day and will send you an email, text message to alert you when items are due, past due or if holds are available for pick-up.
- Library ELF is a third-party service, not affiliated with the Stratford Library. Please read the Library ELF privacy policy and FAQ before signing up for the service.
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