Recipe for a Wonderful 4th of July weekend On Friday night, start with a free concert in Boothe Park by the US Army's fantastic big band, the Jazz Ambassadors. Add an enthusiastic audience to create a mix of patriotism and fun. Now mix in a trip to Short Beach on Saturday night for a free fireworks show. Bake well in the late day sun and enjoy with a picnic supper. Serves a crowd -- so come early for the best seats!
For more information about either event, call the town's Recreation Dept. at 203-385-4052 or check their website, Free Concert! The U.S. Army's Jazz Ambassadors
Friday, July 2 • 7:00 p.m.
Boothe Memorial Park (Bring a chair or blanket)
Rain venue: Flood School Auditorium
Stratford’s Annual Fireworks
Saturday, July 3rd Atwood Express Band Concert on deck at 7:00 pm
Lynn Lewis + Friends at Gull's Landing at 7:30 pm
Fireworks display at 9:30 pm Short Beach Park
Why not borrow some patriotic music from the library to add to the spirit of your holiday? Kate Smith, Lee Greenwood, and Glenn Miller are among the stars performing classic American favorites on this CD, "Stars and Stripes Forever." |  | You haven't really heard Sousa marches until you have heard them played by the Marines --Sousa wrote many of these marches while bandmaster of the Marines. | | The Ceremonial Brass, Max Impact, The Singing Sergeants and They Symphony Orchestra -- all performers of the United States Air Force Band -- collaborated on several of the pieces on this inspiring collection, "Home of the Brave." |  |
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