Monday, December 13, 2010

Struggling with high school homework? Teachers are available to help.

STRATFORD LIBRARY/SCHOOLS OFFER “HOMEWORK HELP” Student Assistance Currently Available at Library

The Stratford Library’s Teen Services Department in collaboration with the Stratford School system currently offers after-school-hours assistance for high school students.

“HomeworkHelp@SLA” offers one-on-one help for students by Stratford high school teachers at the Library through May 2011. It is free and open to the public.

The sessions will focus on math and science but all subjects can be addressed depending on student need. Teachers will be on site at the library Thursdays from 6-8 pm and Saturdays and Sundays, 2-4 pm. All sessions will be held in the Library’s lower-level Board Room. No appointments are necessary, drop-ins are welcome.

For further information about “HomeworkHelp@SLA”, call the Library’s Teen Services Department at 203.385.4167.

The Library has a huge collection of books and DVDs for the student-who-needs-a-little-extra-help as well. Come in and talk to us about what's confusing you.

The Standard Deviants - Algebra Adventure. A youthful cast of performers, who believe no joke, skit, or costume is too corny as long as it helps a student remember something important, throw themselves into "The Adventurous World of College Algebra" by beginning with a spoof of "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Despite the lighthearted approach, this is a serious algebra review course, compiled under the direction of academic advisers.

Physics for the Utterly Confused is for students first or second semester non-calculus based physics courses, and is equally useful to anyone taking their first physics course. Problems are thoroughly explained, show all the math steps and explain all the concepts.

Chemistry Demystified. Chemistry will never be easy, but at least the mystery can be taken out of the equation. (Pun totally intended).

Monday, November 29, 2010


Private Donation Makes New Equipment Possible

The Stratford Library has announced the addition of a BookScan Station for its patrons. The new equipment was made possible by a recent $5000 donation from a private contributor in honor of his parents.

The new BookScan Station makes scanning, saving and sharing a very easy process. Patrons are now able to scan, save and edit important documents and school papers. They can also share favorite book excerpts, old letters and photos online via email, Facebook or Twitter with colleagues and friends around the world. The station is located in the Reference Department of the Stratford Library during regular library hours. Librarians are on hand to assist.

The scanned images can be saved to a flash drive, emailed to one's personal email account, or printed out in color or black and white. There is no cost for the scanning service; the only cost is to print (15 cents for a black and white page, or one dollar for a color page).

The BookScan station can even scan a paper resume and convert the resume into a Word document that can be edited. This is invaluable for people who have not previously used computers and need to turn their resume into a file that can be emailed or posted online.

Library Director Barbara Blosveren acknowledged the addition. “The Stratford Library is pleased to be able to offer this invaluable new service to our patrons and we are most grateful to the Stratford donor who made it all possible.”

For further information call the Stratford Library Reference Department at 203.385.4161 or visit:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Workshops for job seekers at Stratford Library

The Library will offer two innovative workshops in November to introduce job seekers to two useful "tools" in their job search: the websites LinkedIn and Krazoom.

Monday, November 15 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. The hands-on workshop Get Connected with LinkedIn, taught by a Department of Labor Career Development Specialist, will show you how to set-up a professional networking profile on LinkedIn, build your network, connect and share information about job opportunities. Advance registration is required (register at the Reference Desk). To benefit from the program, you must have a working email account and a copy of your resume saved in .txt format. Call the Reference Desk for details at 203-385-4161

Monday, November 29 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You can find your next job on Krazoom : an innovative new website for your online job search site. Krazoom creator, Henning Seip, will demonstrate the unique benefits that set this database apart from all the other job search sites. With Krazoom, you match your skills and experience to hundreds of jobs you may not have ever considered.

Both workshops are free and open to the public. For more information, call the Adult Services Dept. at 203-385-4161.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Show your library card for special deals around Stratford

Stratford Library & local businesses offer October and November discounts for Stratford Library patrons

Three dozen local Stratford business are offering discounts or promotional offers in October and November when you "show them your library card."

If you live in Stratford and don't have a library card, please bring ID to the Stratford Library to get one to take advantage of these exciting offers. A library card is free, and it only takes a few minutes to sign up.

The local businesses offering special discounts and offers in October and November include restaurants, florists, banks, and many other services. Take a look at the list of participating merchants and organizations, and then get out your library card!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Business owners invited to Chamber event at the Library

Stratford Chamber of Commerce
invites Stratford business owners and entrepreneurs to
Business After Hours @ Stratford Library

Thursday, 10/7/2010
5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM
Cost: $10 Members, $20 Future members

Join the Stratford Chamber of Commerce, an affiliate of the Bridgeport Regional Business Council, for their "Business after hours" event at the Stratford Library (Lovell Room). Enjoy a selection of UNO Chicago Grill appetizers while Stratford Library staff highlight how library services can assist your business.

Call 203-335-3800 to preregister. Walk-ins are welcome, space permitting.

The Stratford Library + Your Business = A Great Partnership!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tax forms -- the library won't let you down

The Internal Revenue Service has announced that it will no longer mail out instructions and paper forms for annual income tax returns next year, saving the agency about $10 million annually as more Americans are filing online.

But that doesn't mean that the paper forms aren't available! The Stratford Library will continue to make the most common forms available in our lobby during March and April. If you need a tax form that we don't carry, you can ask the librarians to print it for you off the IRS website.

There is nothing pleasant about filing tax forms, but you may get some satisfaction in knowing that at least some of your tax dollars are paying for helpful, personalized service at your public library.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-Off Event

A Celebration of Latin Culture - Una Celebración de la Cultura Latina

The Hispanic Heritage of Stratford committee invites you to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a festive kick-off event at the Stratford library, on Saturday, September 25th (noon - 4 pm).

The kick-off event will feature art work from Stratford schools students on themes of Hispanic artists, poetry and instruments used in Latin music. All families are welcome to admire the artwork of Stratford's students. The library will also have on display books, CDs and DVDs infused with Hispanic Heritage-- all available to take home.

A wonderful online resource to delve into during Hispanic Heritage Month is, a joint project of the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress, the National Gallery of Art and many other of our most important cultural institutions. Here are just a few of the opportunities this website makes available:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Truly a Great Festival -- the Great Stratford Bird Festival

You may not think of yourself as a "birder," but who wouldn't want to spend the last golden days of summer enjoying the natural beauty of Stratford and our neighboring towns?

The 3rd Annual Great Stratford Bird Festival will offer a truly amazing array of activities not just for those who love birds for anyone who enjoys the outdoors.

The Festival takes place over the weekend of Sept. 24-26.

Over 35 different activities -- many free or low-cost -- include boat trips, marsh paddles, urban bird walks, demonstrations of decoy carving, kite-flying, story-telling, and art exhibits.

This year’s festival features many opportunities to see birds in their natural habitats. Sign up for one of the many field trip opportunities to see birds of prey in flight, swallows in migration, or come to a bird of prey presentations.

Even if you're not much of an outdoors type, you might want to sign up for the New-England-style fundraising dinner with the event's honorary chairperson, Phil Donahue.

Mr. Donahue was an avid of the Bald Eagle Festival which was, until recently, held in Essex, Connecticut. Mr. Donahue is an interested birder in his own right and maintains his personal home and yard to maximize his birding opportunities.

The full schedule can be seen at the site for the Great Stratford Bird Festival.

When the festival is over, why not pick up some books or CDs at the library to further your "bird-u-cation"?

Birding by Ear You will be amazed the first time you step outside after listening to these CDs, by how the orchestra of bird song begins to sort itself out into individual instruments. As an added benefit, this CD will bewitch any resident cats.
What should you do if you find a baby bird on the sidewalk? Is throwing rice at a wedding actually bad for birds? The Bird Watching Answer Book answers perplexing questions about birds in an entertaining, clear format.
On Sept. 25, the Stratford Library's Children's Room will offer a "Bird Storytime" from 10:30 am to 11:15 am for preschoolers and up. Please register at 203.385.4165. And don't forget to watch the skies for birds!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mystery book

This object was sold at auction in New York in 2008 for $1500. Notice how the side is decorated to look like an antique book, with raised ridges on the "spine" and a red label for the "title."

Is it the world's most expensive decorator Kleenex box?

It's not a Kleenex box. It is a 17th century French travelling commode, in the shape of a book. The auction catalog helpfully noted that the size is "Folio" -- the largest size for a book. This antiquarian "book" has full calf leather covers elaborately decorated with a stamped geometric design, and an attractive spine with a "title" label in red morocco leather trimmed with gilt.

The auction house did not know who was the original owner of this antique. They guessed it might have been a military commander or some other important person who would have spent a lot of time travelling in "uncivilized" lands but still wanted to travel in style and comfort.

What is the title of this strange biblio-pot? "Historia Universalis," or "A universal history." Perhaps that was the maker's comment on the "universality" of the object's function!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Putting the "fun" in fundraising

Coming up on Saturday, Aug. 21, Short Beach will be the site of a "MADD Dash" to raise funds for the Connecticut chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. You can participate in either the 5K run or the 2 mile walk, and there's a "kids' fun run" for eleven and under. Trophies will be awarded to the top winners with special prizes for the top Stratford winners.

The 5K (3.1 miles) course is scenic and flat, and the organization couldn't be any worthier, so take a look at their website to sign up:

Meanwhile, back at the library...

Everyone who has been involved in an advocacy or charitable group knows that a frustratingly large amount of time has to be spent on fund-raising. Don't reinvent the wheel: come to the library and borrow some resources when you find yourself searching for new and better ideas to raise money.

The Accidental Fundraiser: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Money for Your Cause by Stephanie Roth and Mimi Ho. This book is a terrific resource for new fundraisers, or even veterans who need to brush up on the basics. The authors have found a way to turn fundraising into a manageable process with worksheets and step-by-step, detailed instructions.
Great Fundraising Ideas for Youth Groups, by David Lynn and Kathy Lynn. Although this book was written with church groups in mind, most of the ideas can be adapted to any youth program. A creative collection of over 150 ways to raise money for youth activities and charity projects.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shakespeare carries on

Shakespeare in the Sun
Saturday, Aug. 14, 2 pm.
Grounds of the Stratford Festival Theatre

A summer tradition in Stratford is the outdoor performances given by the Hudson Shakespeare Company at the Library. Performing with a minimum of props and costumes, but a maximum of drama and flair, the Hudson Shakespeare Company bring Shakespeare's words to life in the town named after his own.

The last play in the series will be The Tempest, on Saturday, Aug. 14, at 2 pm. As a special event, this last performance will be on the grounds of the Stratford Festival Theatre. Bring a chair and a picnic to enjoy the last play of the summer season.

O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world That has such people in't!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Brakettes Wow at DeLuca Field

The Brakettes are the most famous name in softball, with 28 national championships, 3 ISF World Championships, 19 ASA National Hall of Famers, and 11 Olympians. Since 1947, the Brakettes have made Stratford their home, and thousands have seen the Red and White work their magic on the field.

And though it seems like summer is only half-way over, it's the last week of the Brakettes's regular season. Have you gone out to DeLuca Field to catch a game by these hometown heroes yet? In a world where tickets to big-league professional sports games cost hundreds of dollars apiece, the fantastic athletes of the Brakettes offer sports lovers the kind of classic team action and up-close excitement that you may have thought disappeared in your childhood.

The Brakettes are a jewel of Stratford, so swing on by DeLuca Field and show them some hometown love. The last games of the year are at home, except for the WMS Championship series at West Haven's Biondi Field. Bleacher seats are very reasonable -- less than the cost of a movie.

  • 7/24 Saturday LADY GATORS, PA -- HOME GAME 7:00 p.m.
  • 7/25 Sunday LADY GATORS, PA -- HOME GAME 12 noon
  • 7/27 Tuesday ST. LOUIS SAINTS, MO -- HOME GAME 7:00 p.m.
  • 7/28 Wednesday POLAR CRUSH, WORCESTER -- HOME GAME 7:00 p.m.
  • 7/29- Aug 1 WMS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, Biondi Field, West Haven, CT.

If seeing the Brakettes in person sparks an interest in softball in your family, you might want to pick this up at the library to get you started towards softball stardom: Winning Softball for Girls, by Mark Gola.

And after summer is over, carry the enthusiasm for the game into the school year with this innovative book of science projects: Home Run! Science Projects With Baseball and Softball, by Robert L. Bonnet.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Settle into Summertime- Have you read these yet?

Fabulously Fashionable by Holly McQueen - You can't go wrong with a British chick lit title like this! Publisher's Weekly call the heroine "chamingly inept". Fortunate Harbor by Emilie Richards - With a storyline involving five girlfriends in Florida, what could be a better "girlfriend/beach" read? Homecoming by JoAnn Ross - When former Navy SEAL and bad boy Sax Douchett returns to small-town Shelter Bay, Oregon, the adjustment is tough. And what to do about Sheriff Kara Conway, his best friend's girl? Grab this paperback and settle in at the beach! The Island by Elin Hilderbrand - It was to have been "mother-daughter time" on Tuckernuck Island off Nantucket before daughter Chess got married. But then, Chess ends the engagement, and her former fiance dies. Promises to Keep by Janet Green - One summer, a family gathers together in Maine, after each person receives a shocking note. Restless by William Boyd - Her mother was a spy during World War II - but the daughter only found out recently! Still Missing by Chevy Stevens - Realtor Annie O'Sullivan is abducted and held by a psychopath for a year. This suspenseful novel unfolds a Annie remembers the horror, and works with her therapist. Thin, Rich, Pretty by Beth Harbison - Years before, two girls had a contentious relationship at summer camp. Library Journal calls this a "juicy read between book club picks". The Family Beach House by Holly Chamberlin - Take a seaside estate in an Ogunquit location and mix in some family drama and what do you have? A beach book! Uptown by Virginia DeBerry & Donna Grant - When circumstances bring Avery Lyons back to Harlem after 20 years in the Foreign Service, she must find her own way through family turmoil and triumph, selfishness and selflessness.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer Reading

Does it feel like the only things you read these days are your to-do lists? Well, let us offer you a few different reading lists to make your summer a fun one, at least "reading-wise"! Stop by the various service desks at the Library, and we'll be happy to offer booklists that we've created, and we'll also show you a terrific database called "NoveList", so that you can create your own list of titles and authors to try.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Recipe for a Wonderful 4th of July weekend

Recipe for a Wonderful 4th of July weekend
  1. On Friday night, start with a free concert in Boothe Park by the US Army's fantastic big band, the Jazz Ambassadors.
  2. Add an enthusiastic audience to create a mix of patriotism and fun.
  3. Now mix in a trip to Short Beach on Saturday night for a free fireworks show.
  4. Bake well in the late day sun and enjoy with a picnic supper.
  5. Serves a crowd -- so come early for the best seats!
For more information about either event, call the town's Recreation Dept. at 203-385-4052 or check their website,

Free Concert! The U.S. Army's Jazz Ambassadors Friday, July 2 • 7:00 p.m. Boothe Memorial Park (Bring a chair or blanket) Rain venue: Flood School Auditorium

Stratford’s Annual Fireworks Saturday, July 3rd Atwood Express Band Concert on deck at 7:00 pm Lynn Lewis + Friends at Gull's Landing at 7:30 pm Fireworks display at 9:30 pm Short Beach Park

Why not borrow some patriotic music from the library to add to the spirit of your holiday?

Kate Smith, Lee Greenwood, and Glenn Miller are among the stars performing classic American favorites on this CD, "Stars and Stripes Forever."
You haven't really heard Sousa marches until you have heard them played by the Marines --Sousa wrote many of these marches while bandmaster of the Marines.
The Ceremonial Brass, Max Impact, The Singing Sergeants and They Symphony Orchestra -- all performers of the United States Air Force Band -- collaborated on several of the pieces on this inspiring collection, "Home of the Brave."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nonfiction that reads like fiction....

You say you're not a big reader, but you love hearing about events that are true? Then visit our display in the reference room of the library, where we currently display books such as these, demonstrating that truth can indeed be stranger than fiction!
Be amazed at the two significant individuals with different impacts on the World's Fair in 1893 - one a mass murderer, one a talented planner and organizer of the exposition. (Read "Devil in the White City: murder, magic, and madness at the fair that changed America" by Erik Larson)
Discover the details of the 1820 wreck of the whaleship "Essex", the true story at the heart of the famous novel "Moby Dick". (Read "In the Heart of the Sea: the tragedy of the whaleship Essex" by Nathaniel Philbrick)
Put yourself in the shoes of the runners described in an incredible tale of physical endurance! (Read "Born to Run: a hidden tribe, superathletes, and the greatest race the world has never seen " by Christopher McDougall)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beaches and Books

Stratford's beaches open this weekend. Do you have your beach sticker on your car? If you haven't received a beach sticker yet, the Recreation Department's website has info on how to get yours.

Of course, if you're planning to spend any time on the beach you'll want to pack a summer beach book in your tote bag. This summer the library is hoping to add some fun to your summertime by offering a no-pressure, no-stress Adult Summer Reading Program.

  • No meetings!
  • No required reading. Read whatever you like.

Just stop by the library and tell us what book or books you've read -- even if it's just one. A weekly raffle will award great prizes donated by local restaurants and businesses.

The Adult Summer Reading program starts on Monday, June 21. You can sign up the first day or any day over the summer. Come on in and see what we have to offer! Prizes big and small will be awarded weekly to our reading clubbers.

Speaking of beach reads, here are some good reads while you soak up the rays:

On Folly Beach by Karen White. Emmy Hamilton has opened a secondhand bookstore in Folly Beach as she tries to make a new life after her husband's death. When she discovers love notes hidden in the books, she may have stumbled on a mysterious and tragic love story in the town's past.
The Beach House, by Jane Green. Eccentric and broke, widow Nan Powell decides to turn her beloved old home in Nantucket into a bed-and-breakfast. The cast of characters who come to stay find their lives changed in surprising ways.

The Last Beach Bungalow, by Jennie Nash. April and her architect husband have grown apart while she underwent cancer treatment, but they hope that a move to the lavish new house he designed will be a fresh start. Instead, April finds herself inexplicably drawn to a small beach bungalow that calls to her in some mysterious way.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Adult Summer Reading

Remember the first-ever Adult Summer Reading Program last year? This summer, we're doing it again to help you jump-start your reading! Register on June 21 or thereafter at the Adult Reference Desk, and fill out a "reading slip" for each book you read. Not only will you "water your mind", but you may win one of the weekly prize drawings! A festive kick-off with goodies and gifts (while they last) is on June 21. The last day for the program is August 14.
Some of the drawing prizes have been donated by the following businesses and organizations. We thank everyone for their enthusiasm and interest in offering incentives for your summer reading!
Acapulcos Mexican Family Restaurant & Cantina, Blue Point Bar & Grill, Goody Bassett's Olde Fashioned Ice Cream Shoppe, Millers Hallmark, Oronoque Farms, Rivenova Italian Restaurant, Shell Station Restaurant, Sikorsky Financial Credit Union, Stratford Brakettes, Stephen's Pub & Grille, Stratford Family YMCA, This and That Consignments, Collectibles and Curios

Monday, June 7, 2010

Is your front yard a beautiful "site" to see?

Seventh District Councilwoman Kimberly Meuse announced this week that the Stratford Beautification Committee is seeking nominations for the twelfth annual Stratford Beautification Awards Program. This is your chance to nominate properties you believe worthy of recognition, whether it's your own property or one you've admired around town.

This year, the focus will be on front yards and the curb appeal of local properties. The Committee is interested in homes and businesses that have attractive landscaping, flower beds or gardens -- or properties that feature unique fences, walkways, lighting fixtures or door treatments in Stratford. Nomination forms are available online. For more information, contact Town Planner Dave Killeen at 203.385.4017.

Want to add loads of "eye appeal" to your home and garden? Boost your chances of winning a Beautification Award with these books available at the Stratford Library:

Curb Appeal Idea Book by Mary Ellen Polson. Spruce up the front of your home and create a good first impression. You'll find hundreds of ideas for the front of the house, from the curb to the front door and every space in between
Hardscaping: How to Use Structures, Pathways, Patios & Ornaments in Your Garden, by Keith Davitt. "Hardscaping" is just what it sounds like: the elements of your yard made of brick, concrete, stone or lumber. This book has loads of photos and projects from a simple concrete birdbath to an elaborate masonry walkway.
The Well-Decorated Garden will take you step by step through projects to take your outdoor space from "okay" to "wow!". You can make pebble-covered flowerpots, butterfly boxes, tile plant markers, or adorable ladybug cottages.
Do you feel like your front yard is too dark, too small or too barren to create an attractive scene? In Paradise Found, Rebecca Cole presents simple and beautiful solutions to gardening in small, difficult, or awkward spaces.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Library Book Sale is center of town activity this Saturday

This Saturday, June 5, the Stratford Library will be at the center of a buzz of activity. Come on down, park in our huge lot behind the library, and take advantage of these opportunities for free and low-cost family fun. The Annual Stratford Library Book Sale runs from 5:30 pm Thursday, June 3 to Sunday afternoon June 6 at 4 pm. No admission charge. At this major library fundraiser you will find thousands of gently used books for all ages, movies, CDs, and LPs. Prices vary during the sale; see our Library website for details. Location: 2203 Main Street, Stratford, CT 06615. Healthy Stratford Council Walk through Stratford's Historic District. Leaves from the Perry House, on Broad Street adjacent to the Library's parking lot, 10 am on Saturday. Free. The 2.5 mile narraated walk will pass such landmarks as the Judson House, the Edward Curtis House, and the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Please register in advance by calling 385-4090. Children's Carnival and Sidewalk Crafts Showcase at the Sterling House on Main Street, two doors down from the Library, Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm on Saturday. Free. Art Show sponsored by the Stratford Arts Guild, in front of the Library, Saturday, 10 am - 6 pm on Saturday. Free. Stratford Arts Guild members will show photography, jewelry, watercolors and other works of art. Rib Night sponsored by the Rotary Club, 6 pm at the Baldwin Center, next to the Library. Tickets are $30.00 each; proceeds benefit the Dictionary/Thesaurus Project for Stratford and other Rotary projects for the community. Call 385-4055 for tickets.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Corsairs Over Connecticut

Spotlight on: Vintage Aircraft and the Heroes who Flew Them
  • What the first single-engine U.S. fighter to top 400 mph?
  • What plane was called "The Angel of Okinawa" by US troops and "Whistling Death" by Japanese soldiers?
  • What is the official aircraft of Connecticut?
The answer to all three questions is the Vought F4U Corsair. Not only was the F4U designed and built here in Stratford at Vought-Sikorsky, but the propellers and the engines were built in Connecticut too, at the Hamilton Standard Co. and Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. The Corsair F4U is an all-Connecticut fighter plane.

An event called "Wings and Wheels" will be celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Connecticut’s State Aircraft, The F4U Corsair, this Memorial day Weekend (May 29-30) at Sikorsky Memorial Airport.

Five different F4U Corsairs, a Sikorsky Seahorse, a Dehavilland Beaver Floatplane, and a Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter will be among the many vintage and modern aircraft on display.

In addition, you can see vintage and collector cars, vintage trucks and military vehicles, meet NASA Astronaut Joe Edwards, participate in science demos, and have fun at the "Hangar Dance." The event will benefit the Discovery Museum.

For more information: (203) 372-3521 X124 or

At the Stratford Library, we have a better-than-average collection of books on the history of aviation, with an emphasis, of course, on the contributions of Ivan Sikorsky and the Sikorsky Aircraft corporation. If this weekend's "Wings and Wheels" event sparks your interest in these unusual bent-winged planes that flew from World War II to the 1960s, come on in and borrow one of these titles:

Corsair Aces of World War II by Mark Styling. Chock-full of excellent color illustrations, this book focuses mainly on 'I was there' first-hand accounts of flying the Corsair in battle.
Whistling Death: The Test Pilot's Story of the F4U Corsair by Boone T. Guyton. Told by Boone Guyton, an experimental test pilot at Chance Vought, this is the true story of the rush to produce the F4U Corsair, the Navy fighter that brought America air superiority over the Japanese Zero in World War II.
Corsair: The F4U in World War II and Korea, by Barrett Tillman. This fast-paced history begins with the nerve-wracking test flights of the 1940s and concludes with the F4Us that were active thirty-eight years later. Placed skillfully in between are the stories that gave birth to the legend, including the Medal of Honor recipient who shot down twenty-five enemy planes, and the details of the combat missions of Charles A. Lindbergh.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Bridgeport Regional Business Council -- make them part of your support group

Spotlight on: The Bridgeport Regional Business Council

The "Navigating Opportunities" workshop originally scheduled for June 2, 2010 has been cancelled. The BRBC expects to reschedule it later in the fall. If you'd like to be notified about this or other BRBC events, please email Mary Dean at

As you think about your business support group -- the friends and business acquaintances who can offer advice or lend a hand when you need it -- don't forget to include the Stratford Library!

These three new books -- all just published in 2010 -- can help steer the new entrepreneur towards success, or help an established small business owner "tune up" your business-building skills.

How to Build a Business and Sell it for Millions, by Jack Garson. Garson, a strategy and transaction consultant, has a unique perspective to getting your new business off the ground: he teaches you to think about the future "sellability" of your business from the very beginning. That's the secret, he believes, to creating a profitable, sustainable venture.
Start Your Own Business and Hire Yourself: Insider Tips for Successful Self-Employment in Any Economy, by Suzanne Caplan . This timely book shows how to get financing in hard times for small business loans, including up-to-date coverage on the implications of Obama's stimulus initiatives on SBA programs.
Making Money from Home: How to Run a Successful Home-Based Business by Donna Partow . Partow writes from the perspective of a married woman who wants to stay home with her children but also earn money. Still, her step-by-step advice can benefit anyone wants to develop their own business from home