This service gives you access to Repair Procedures, Service Bulletins and Recalls, and Wiring Diagrams for most US and foreign cars and noncommercial trucks back to the 1970s.
You may be saying to yourself, "Oh, I would never fix my own car." But even so, this service contains high-priority info alerts called "service bulletins" which can help every car owner, whether they consider themselves handy or not.
Service Bulletins are reports from the car manufacturers about common problems cropping up with certain models. If you look up your own vehicle (say, a 2007 Honda Civic) you will find a list of problems that the manufacturer thought were serious enough to tell mechanics, but not serious enough to warrant a recall. For instance, if your 2007 Honda Civic car clock has been randomly flashing the wrong time, you are not alone! Honda has figured out what makes this happen and you can get that problem solved, pronto.
And for those of you who do like to put on the overalls and break out the wrenches, the repair procedures include step-by-step instructions for repairing the car from bumper to bumper, with helpful diagrams and photographs.
To try out the Automotive Repair Reference Center, go to the library's webpage at http://www.stratfordlibrary.org/ and click on "Get it Online with your library card."
The Automotive Repair Reference Center is one of the services listed on that first page of resources. Call us at 203-385-4164 if you have any questions about using this service!