On Saturday June 13, 2009 (10am to 4pm) a coalition of Lordship community groups will host a celebration of Lordship's history and its present, the "Historic Lordship Tour," to remember and celebrate those days of long ago when the Trolley brought tourists to enjoy the beach and the new-fangled horseless carriages ran along Prospect Drive.
For one day, the trolleys will come back to Lordship, bringing the community together for some old-fashioned fun. The trolley cars will circuit Lordship with guided tours, stopping at the three churches (with free parking and bathroom facilities), Audubon Center, the firehouse, Stratford Point Lighthouse, and Civil Air Patrol.
The Audubon Society will conduct tours of the old Remington Gun Club and the Firehouse. The Father's Club Building and the retired firemen will give tours of their facilities. And for the first time in decades, the Stratford Point Lighthouse (a fully functional Coast Guard operational lighthouse) and the Civil Air Patrol will be open to the public.
Each stop will feature a special display of historical highlights via video, photographs and special events lik a storyteller impersonating Igor Sikorsky. Eateries and booths along the way will provide ample opportunity for folks to go home full of goodies and memories. An antique car show, roller skating demonstration, live music by the Stratford High School Jazz Band, a quilt exhibition, and a booth about local history resources at the Stratford library will add to the fun.
The participating organizations are the Lordship Fathers’ Club, Our Lady of Peace Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph National Catholic Church, and the Lordship Community Church, and the Stratford Civil Air Patrol.

Tickets are $10 per person or $20 per family and can be purchased at the Stratford Library by check or cash. For more information please see
http://www.lordshiphistory.com/ or call: Christine Griffin -203-378-3537.